USDC to BNB Swap

Instant USDC to BNB swap

Simple, with lowest fees and no registration

How to Swap USDC to BNB

1 Select USDC as the cryptocurrency you want to swap in "You send" cryptocurrency list. Select BNB as the cryptocurrency you want to receive as the swap result in "You get" list.
2 Enter the exact amount you of USDC are willing to swap into "You send" box. Our system will instantly calculate an estimated payout amount of BNB and display it in "You get" box.
3 Enter the payout BNB wallet address into "Receive to ... address" box. You can also provide a refund USDC wallet address at this step if you want to get your USD Coin back automatically in case of a transaction failure.
4 If all provided values are valid and correct, the background of "Swap" button will turn green. Click the button to create the USDC to BNB swap transaction. You will be redirected to a new swap transaction page.
5 On the USDC to BNB swap transaction page, you will see a deposit USDC address. Copy this address and paste it into your USD Coin crypto wallet from which you are going to send USDC for the instant swap. Then do the same with the exact amount of USD Coin shown on the transaction page. Send the deposit USDC payment.
6 The rest of the USDC to BNB swap process is automated, all you have to do is wait a bit for the process to complete. You can track the status of your USDC to BNB swap on the transaction page. Typically, most crypto swaps take from 5 to 60 minutes. In some cases, when at least one of involved crypto networks is congested, the transaction could take longer than that.
7 When the USDC to BNB swap status line displays "Finished", you can see a new inbound BNB transaction in your receiving Binance Coin (ERC20) wallet.